Industry leading demolition contractor for diverse market sectors
Operating as a business since 1993, DEMEX Pty Ltd incorporated in its current form in 2019. Since then, we have been delivering specialist demolition, civil, and remediation services. We undertake projects both as principal contractor and subcontractor on sensitive, complex, high profile projects in diverse sectors, including energy, resources, government, infrastructure, industrial, marine, and construction.
Expertise, experience, innovation, and attitude.
It’s what sets DEMEX apart.
Our Values
Our Values

Commitment, integrity and reliability are the hallmarks of our approach
- Licences & Insurances
- Systems
- Accreditations
- Resource Recovery & Recycling
- Our Team & Fleet
- Awards
Licenced for unrestricted demolition across Australia, we are diligent in our adherence to all relevant legislation to ensure safe, effective completion of client projects. DEMEX maintains the following demolition and asbestos removal licences:
QLD Licence to Perform Demolition Work (Licence number 2321795)
QLD Licence to Perform Class A Asbestos Removal (Licence number 2321934)
NSW Demolition Licence [Unrestricted] (Licence number AD213349)
WA Demolition Licence [Class 1] (Licence number WAD391)
VIC Licence to Operate as an Asbestos Removalist [A Class] (Licence number H20/00969)
ACT Builders Licence [Class D – Valid for demolition of buildings and structures] (Licence number 2020772).
The QLD Asbestos Removal Licence is mutually recognised in NSW, ACT, NT, TAS and SA.
DEMEX holds Certificates of Currency for the following insurances:
Public Liability & Products Insurance (including Asbestos)
Motor Fleet Insurance
QLD Workers Compensation
NSW Workers Compensation
Environment, safety, and quality are managed under an independently certified Integrated Management System (IMS) for the provision of demolition, excavation, site remediation and the removal of asbestos and hazardous materials. The IMS has been certified by ATLAS Certification Pty Ltd to comply with the following standards:
ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management Systems – Requirements (Certificate number: 418081Q)
ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management Systems – Requirements with Guidance for use (Certificate number: 418081E)
ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – Requirements with Guidance for use (Certificate number: 418081S)

DEMEX operates under a suite of company policies and procedures that set the HSE performance standards for our business. We strive to ensure the safety of our workers, subcontractors, site visitors, and the public is maintained for the duration of each project, that environmental impacts are minimised, and that we remain compliant with all applicable legislation, as well as regulatory and statutory obligations.Â
Project specific HSEQ plans are prepared and detail how DEMEX will comply with its obligations and meet company HSEQ goals and objectives during project delivery. These detailed plans include:
Recognition and compliance with relevant legislation and regulatory and statutory obligations
ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management Systems – Requirements with Guidance for use (Certificate number: 418081E)Due diligence and duty of care
HSEQ objectives and targets
Induction and training requirements
Risk management
Incident prevention initiatives
Subcontractor management
Health and safety management
Environmental management
Quality management.
In addition to our Health and Safety Policy, together with project specific HSEQ plans, we also operate under a formalised Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control procedure that complies with the stringent conditions defined by the Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner’s Australian Government Building and Construction WHS Accreditation Scheme (FSC Accreditation). We routinely implement a range of measures to identify, assess, and control hazards in accordance with this procedure, and record all incidents, near misses, and non-conformances in a company register, which facilities the tracking and trend analysis of incident outcomes.
In terms of incident management, incident investigations are completed to identify the root cause of the incident and to identify the appropriate corrective / preventive actions to be adopted. Following a suitable time period, the effectiveness of the adopted control measures are reviewed to assess the overall effectiveness and to ensure no inadvertent hazards have been introduced as a result. Where required Safety Alerts are issued to staff.
This approach to HSEQ provides confidence to clients that our commitment to safety is reflected in practical application of measures that underpin safe project delivery.

DriveAbout WorkforceÂ
In recognition of vehicle related incidents as a major killer in the workplace, in 2022 DEMEX formally committed to a work health and safety initiative to embed a culture of road safety into our organisation in response to an identified need to address driver behaviours as a workplace health and safety issue. Through our research into available training, we identified DriveAbout Workforce, an Australian road safety and road rules education program.
DriveAbout Workforce is an award-winning Australian road rules and road safety refresher, which uses EdTech to deliver approximately 90 minutes of visually rich road rules and road safety education via a secure online learning management system (LMS). The training complements and supports existing driver education resources through its alignment to the National Road Safety Strategy 2021-30, and the Towards Zero and Fatal Five campaigns. It is scalable, cost effective, and suitable for culturally and linguistically diverse audiences.
Every DEMEX employee completed the training when the program was first implemented in 2022 and going forward, will complete an annual refresher. All new employees are required to complete the training as part of their onboarding induction, while employees who receive driving infringements in DEMEX vehicles are required to repeat modules relating to the infringement.

Project safety record
DEMEX received an Australian Workplace Health & Safety Award for development of a comprehensive safe system of work for the Mulwala Explosives Facility owned by Australian Munitions. DEMEX was engaged to demolish 47 buildings over two discrete projects. The scale, complexity and DEMEX’s approach to hazard remediation lead to this project being shortlisted in the World Demolition Awards 2020 in the Industrial Demolition Category.

DEMEX has received Federal Safety Accreditation (FSC) for the completion of projects that fall under the scope of the Australian Government building and construction Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme (Accreditation number 598).

DEMEX has been formally registered on the second release of the Prequalification (PQC) System for contractors managed by the Department of Housing and Public Works (Registration number 4624). Demex has obtained a PQC rating of level 3 with a maximum contract value of $5,200,00.00 per contract.

In addition to core services in decommissioning, demolition, hazardous materials removal, and civil works, we also provide resource management services to manage the onsite crushing, screening, and processing of discarded materials safely and efficiently. Our objective is to recycle 90 percent or more of all on site materials by ensuring recyclable waste is salvaged for further use in the construction industry, or alternatively disposed of at an appropriate facility.Â

Our team maintains an unwavering commitment to addressing unexpected challenges within the framework of project budgets, schedules and robust systems. We draw from our internal capabilities, resources, experience, and the capacity to innovate, adapt, and overcome, which is integral to the DEMEX culture.Â
We continually invest in the highest quality equipment and machinery, with acquisitions in low emission technology expanding our fleet and allowing us to make greater inroads to reducing our carbon footprint, and helping our clients to do the same.

DEMEX’s commitment to excellence was recognised with our Mulwala Explosive Facility (MUL037) project winning a 2020 World Demolition Award as judged by global industry leaders.
The World Demolition Awards are judged against primary criteria that include overall professional / expertise, overcoming challenges, financial and schedule management, safety performance and client satisfaction.Â

DEMEX was shortlisted for a 2021 World Demolition Award as judged by global industry leaders.
The demolition of the Chinaman Creek Bridge in Cairns, as delivered by Demex in early 2021 shortlisted in the Contract of the Year Under US$1 Million category.

DEMEX was awarded an Australian Workplace Health & Safety Award in July 2021.
Nominated for the Small to Medium Enterprise: Health & Safety Excellence Award, DEMEX demonstrated excellence in the context of a comprehensive safe system of work that seeks to adopt higher order controls and contemporary approaches to health and safety management.Â

One of two DEMEX projects to be shortlisted for the 2024 Demolition and Recycling International (D&Ri) World Demolition Awards, DEMEX shared a win with Priestly, receiving the award for Contract of the Year Under US$1M for the resort clean up of Wild Duck Island.
The Wild Duck Island project presented significant challenges. Located 23 kilometres northwest of Stanage on the Central Queensland Coast, the project required extensive planning and on-the-job innovative solutions. DEMEX’s team overcame the constraints of transport by road and sea, extreme seasonal tides, cultural heritage protection requirements, environmental and degraded waste from demolition in a remote location where all accommodation, power, food, water, and communication services needed to be brought in.

In addition to Wild Duck Island, DEMEX was shortlisted in 2024 for a World Demolition Award in the category of Civil Contract of the Year for the Palm Beach to Tugan M1 Upgrade project. DEMEX safely demolished seven bridges over a five kilometre stretch of the Pacific Motorway between May 2023 and May 2024.
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