Our Resources

Driving excellence in project delivery

Our resources: Delivering projects safely and effectively

The capacity to deliver any demolition, remediation and hazmat project relies on the availability of safe, reliable, and effective plant equipment, and machinery. As our business grows, we continue to invest in the latest technology, allowing us to redefine project delivery in an increasingly complex operating environment.

The DEMEX fleet encompasses prime mover trucks, loaders, excavators, dump trucks, mobile crushers, dozers, trailers, attachments, and custom engineered and fabricated equipment for unique and difficult environments. With the capability for application on diverse projects from inner city highrise structures to large scale civil construction works, our fleet is updated regularly. 

We recognise our obligations with respect to responsible environmental stewardship and continue to expand our fleet with consideration to its environmental impact, balancing the effectiveness of machinery with the requirement for reduced emissions. Understanding this an important consideration for our clients, we monitor and track fuel usage as part of our overall approach to sustainability. Continuity of delivery on projects is vital, which is why we manage our fleet care and maintenance through our own service and maintenance workshop manned by a team of experienced and dedicated mechanical fitters and tradesmen. On remote and regional projects outside of our service range, we draw on our network of trusted providers to ensure timely, reliable maintenance support. In terms of data reporting on projects, our systems are Green Star and NGER aligned, thereby supporting clients to report with confidence in their own 

Powerful and reliable equipment to deliver your project safely and on time

Equipment can make all the difference to project outcomes

There are many factors to consider when it comes to equipment selection for projects. Without an understanding of best fit for purpose applications and safety, a project can be derailed because machinery is left idle on site, or even put operators and workers at risk. 

With safety our number one priority, we ensure operators’ training is up to date, and when new equipment is brought into the fleet, appropriate training is provided to ensure appropriate competency levels.

There are many factors to consider when it comes to equipment selection for projects. Without an understanding of best fit for purpose applications and safety, a project can be derailed because machinery is left idle on site, or even put operators and workers at risk. 

With safety our number one priority, we ensure operators’ training is up to date, and when new equipment is brought into the fleet, appropriate training is provided to ensure appropriate competency levels.

We take a preventive approach to plant and equipment requirements and implement the following measures to ensure reliable access to necessary resources:

  • Send our best equipment, including our fleet of fuel efficient hybrid excavators
  • Ensure plant and equipment can be replaced immediately, if required, by trusted partners in our network
  • Draw on the expertise of our team at the DEMEX fully equipped maintenance and service workshop.

All DEMEX owned plant hire is maintained and serviced in accordance with our IMS and legal requirements and every effort is made to reduce or eliminate downtime of resources during projects.

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