Our Commitments

Responsible corporate citizenship

Industry leading demolition contractor for diverse market sectors

Together with our delivery partners, we strive to conduct our business in an ethical and responsible manner. Our approach to sustainability commitments balances cultural, economic, environmental, and social considerations. To support our actions in this regard, we have implemented internal systems and processes that allow us to meet community, government, and client standards, including independently accredited health, safety, environment, and quality systems.

We recognise responsible corporate citizenship is an ongoing process that periodically requires adjustment to meet our own internal objectives and stakeholder expectations. No sustainability program is achievable without the involvement and contributions of our people, who understand our sustainability commitments and are responsible for implementing the systems that underpin our actions.

Our sustainability efforts are focused in the following areas:

  • Safe people with an appreciation of our commitments to Indigenous and culturally and linguistically diverse Australians 
  • Responsible resource management, focusing on circular economy principles 
  • Ethical supply chain management and local economic development.

We are progressively developing our systems to capture data in each of these areas with a view to reporting informally on our sustainability performance, understanding the importance of this to many of our clients who are working towards their own targets and objectives.

Health and Safety

The health and safety of our people is our number one priority and is of paramount importance in all aspects of our business. Day to day project site safety is managed by onsite health and safety representatives, while regular toolbox and pre-start meetings supported by our ISO certified Integrated Management System (IMS) are integral to our safety first approach. 
As a heavily fleet-based business, we recognise the importance of reducing the incidence and severity of vehicle related workplace serious injuries and deaths. Taking a pre-emptive approach to both awareness raising and education, DEMEX invested in an Australian road rules and road safety refresher called DriveAbout Workforce. Every employee completed the program, which is supported by ongoing awareness raising and reminders through toolbox talks, office and project site signage, and road safety champions. Our objective with this digital training investment is to make our people safer on the roads and prevent injury and deaths, which take an emotional, physical and financial toll.
We have a deep appreciation that the mental and emotional health of our people is a material business issue. With the understanding that the construction industry is characterised by comparatively high rates of suicide, our people have access to an employee assistance program that provide health and wellbeing support when it is needed. With a predominantly male workforce, DEMEX is an advocate of the support delivered through Mates in Construction and the IF Men’s Mental Wellbeing program, both of which provide valuable resources for men who are navigating life challenges.


The importance of meeting our obligations to Indigenous Australians is well understood. Accordingly, we have implemented an Indigenous Employment Strategy (IES), which details our commitment to creating employment opportunities for Indigenous Australians. In conjunction with our Indigenous cultural advisor, we seek to create employment opportunities that help build competency and confidence in the individual.

For projects where Indigenous employment opportunities are identified, we work with local organisations to source and place suitable candidates. During project delivery, we strive to build capacity in each individual, allowing them to gain skills that lead to securing future employment, either with DEMEX or other employers.

The IES is predicated on the following four principles:

  • Opportunity – Ensuring Aboriginal people are front of mind in respect of employment opportunities at DEMEX.

  • Education – Ensuring DEMEX has culturally and linguistically appropriate resources to help Aboriginal people overcome educational barriers.

  • Support – Providing support and encouragement to ensure Aboriginal people feel valued by DEMEX

  • Career – Fostering a culture of mutual trust and loyalty ensuring that an opportunity has the best chance of becoming a career.

Our efforts in these endeavours are guided by Martina Hazelbane, a Warai/Larrakia traditional owner and founder of 100 percent Aboriginal owned business, Stapleton Indigenous Solutions (SIS). Ms Hazelbane advises DEMEX on a per project basis, and as needed, to give effect to our IES. For example, on project award, Ms Hazelbane assists DEMEX to identify suitable candidates for project roles. Once candidates are identified, Ms Hazelbane facilitates communication between DEMEX and Aboriginal workers, ensuring project communications are conducted in a culturally sensitive way. During project delivery, we strive to build capacity in each Aboriginal worker, allowing them to gain skills and vocational training that leads to securing future employment, either with DEMEX on the current or other projects, or with other employers.

From the perspective of cultural awareness, we adopt the following measures to ensure our team is fluent in their cultural understanding: 

  • Work with the DEMEX cultural advisor to identify and communicate with local traditional owners

  • Make provisions for cross-cultural training for our team, with this training facilitated by our cultural advisor in conjunction with a representative from the local traditional owners

  • Assess the training requirements for Indigenous workers and ensuring these are met during the course of the project

  • Identify opportunities for economic development and capacity building contributions to the local traditional owner community.

We recognise that education and economic development are key to realising success in this area. Through DriveAbout Workforce Australian road rules and road safety refresher, we are able to provide this vital training in eight Indigenous languages. Additionally, on a project basis, we seek opportunities to engage Indigenous owned businesses for supply of products and subcontractor services. 


With respect to diversity and inclusion DEMEX has looked to the extensive experience and work of public sector organisations to help achieve our diversity and inclusion vision. To that end, we are committed to the following guiding principles:

  • Recruit: our workforce reflects the diversity of our community

  • Include: our culture fosters access and inclusion

  • Develop: we provide opportunity for growth

  • Lead: we are bold and innovative, with leaders who pave the way.

We adopt a philosophy of the ‘best person for the job’ and as we grow, there is a natural diversity in the candidate pool. 

Resource management

Circular economy principles are driving an approach to construction and demolition that is environmentally and economically responsible. As a demolition contractor, we understand these principles and have made them part of our approach since we commenced operations.

We work with our clients to understand their objectives and commitments, and collaborate to develop solutions that maximise successful project outcomes. On many projects we recycle in excess 90 percent of materials and keep waste to landfill to a minimum. In keeping with our commitments and regulations, all materials are disposed of safely, and we engage local suppliers to assist us with safe disposal and repurposing of materials.

Having been involved in many high profile projects, we appreciate demolition and removal of long standing structures may be a sensitive issue with the local community. In recognition of this, we look for opportunities to salvage items of significance as a way to help preserve cultural heritage.

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