Demolition consulting services: 3 reasons to include it in your project budget

3 reasons to include demolition consulting services in your project budget

Demolition consulting services are a legitimate consideration for project managers with responsibility for asset closure in the mining, industrial, and manufacturing sectors.

It can however, be overlooked as a necessary investment, with asset owners thinking that experience in operations is sufficient to undertake decommissioning and demolition stages of closure. Operational know-how is not a guarantee that decommissioning and demolition can be completed successfully, that is, safely, cost effectively, and on time.

One of the biggest advantages that a demolition consultant offers is the ability to review demolition planning and methodologies. Depending on the project, this could be undertaken multiple times. Demolition planning is vital for preparing a site for closure, rehabilitation, or redevelopment, particularly where complex demolition requirements are involved. With increasingly onerous regulatory requirements and stakeholder expectations a fact of life, a decision not to draw on specialist skills and experience available through demolition consulting services can be costly in more ways than one. Reputational damage, financial penalties, and project schedule and budget blowouts are all a reality.

Why invest in demolition consulting services??

There are many reasons to engage a demolition consultant, but perhaps the most important is safety. Here are just some considerations that would fall within the remit of demolition consulting services.

#1 – Optimal methodology

Knowledge and experience of many different specialist demolition techniques and methods is an excellent reference for developing the most suitable methodology for a project. A collaborative approach that encompasses a spherical view of the project can draw on the collective knowledge and experience of the client, demolition consultant, and those involved in project delivery. In turn, this can lead to innovative solutions that may have been overlooked if collaboration had not occurred.

#2 – Improved risk management

Demolition is high risk, hazardous work. By drawing on the knowledge, skills, and experience of a demolition consultant, there is a greater likelihood that risks will be identified and managed. At the same time, opportunities that lead to budget and schedule savings without compromising safety or outcomes can be identified and implemented.

#3 – Being prepared for the unexpected 

The involvement of a demolition consultant in the planning stages is one important way that can help reduce the risks associated with a project, however, even with the very best plans, unexpected challenges invariably arise during projects. A specialist with demolition consulting experience can assess the impact of unexpected situations, then adapt the method to overcome the challenge, allowing the project to proceed safely and effectively.

Our project team showed just how this is done on the 200 Turbot Street project , which required an innovative methodology for removal of the contaminated roof ring beam. Although allowance was made for the ring beam removal in the project method, the asbestos contamination was unknown. With engineering input and by engaging a concrete cutting contractor, the clean beam was separated from the asbestos contaminated section. This meant the clean concrete could be crushed and recycled, while the contaminated section could be removed safely. With associated risks managed this way, the project proceeded unimpeded by the challenge that had arisen unexpectedly.


Demolition consulting services are not just for major projects

It would be naive to think that demolition consulting services are solely for the domain of major infrastructure removal projects. On the contrary, where structures or assets are earmarked for decommissioning and deconstruction due to age or closure, it would be wise to engage a consultant early, even if there is no intention for immediate removal.

With an accurate understanding of costs, clients can factor these into future budgets, and balance this against the risks of keeping structures in place. Additionally, site project teams, who may be operating under the misconception there is no cost to keeping retired assets, such as mine site infrastructure, gas wells, or manufacturing facilities in place, can test that perception with the facts. Although the final decision may still be ‘not now, but later’, at least it’s made in full appreciation of the economic, environmental, and social costs for doing so. Mine operators facing down mine closure would do well to invest in mine site demolition consulting services. Without the option of being able to postpone decommissioning and demolition as a function of progressive closure and rehabilitation, early engagement of a demolition consultant during pre-feasibility and feasibility studies just makes sense.

We are working with mine operators across Australia to address this very question, but it’s occurring in other sectors too as asset owners respond to changing legislation and growing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) expectations and obligations. Rather than risk an oversight in a key area with the potential to cause significant reputational risk, asset owners are seeing the benefit of making informed decisions in an area of project development frequently seen as being in the way, rather than on the way, to closure or development.


DEMEX is a commercial demolition company providing demolition consulting services. Licenced to undertake demolition across diverse sectors, including mining, oil and gas, industrial, property, and more, our approach encompasses safety, innovation, and technical expertise. For more information on our demolition consulting services, contact us directly onÂ