
Project Showcase
DEMEX was engaged as principal contractor to undertake asbestos removal and demolition of the large cold store warehouse facility in East Brisbane, making way for future redevelopment.
+Learn more about this projectWHITE’S SHED DECONSTRUCTION
DEMEX was engaged by Ports North to undertake deconstruction of the ageing White’s Shed, an historic sugar handling facility at the port, which had not been in use since the 1960’s.
+Learn more about this projectST BEES ISLAND
As principal contractor DEMEX was engaged to undertake demolition, asbestos removal, and remediation works to enable restoration to natural bush of the 4.2-hectare parcel of land holding residences, human infrastructure, and 120 years of accumulated waste.
+Learn more about this projectWILD DUCK ISLAND
DEMEX was engaged as principal contractor by QBuild, the Queensland State Government’s builder, working in conjunction with Queensland Parks and Wildlife, to demolish 20 tourist unit structures and associated facilities on Wild Duck Island off the Central Queensland Coast within a six-week timeframe.
+Learn more about this projectBOYNE ISLAND SMELTER TANK REMOVAL
DEMEX was engaged by Boyne Smelters Limited as a principal contractor to undertake removal of hazardous Spent Cell Lining material from five 5,000m³ tanks and demolition of the tanks.
+Learn more about this projectBATEMANS BAY BRIDGE
DEMEX was engaged by Principal Contractor John Holland to undertake the demolition of the $274 million Batemans Bay Bridge replacement project, which involved removal of the old Batemans Bay Bridge that spanned the Clyde River built and completed by Department of Main Roads in 1956.
+Learn more about this projectHAUGHTON RIVER FLOODPLAIN PROJECT
The Haughton River Floodplain Project was part of the Queensland State Government’s infrastructure upgrade of the Bruce Highway to for vehicle travel in the region.
+Learn more about this projectCHINAMANS CREEK BRIDGE
DEMEX was engaged by Georgiou to undertake demolition of the Chinaman Creek bridge, which was part of the $123.7 million Cairns Southern Access Corridor.
+Learn more about this projectPORT OF BUNDABERG SILOS
DEMEX was engaged by Okara Pty Ltd to undertake demolition of all on site structures and removal of 8 fuel storage tanks at the Port of Bundaberg, located in Bundaberg
+Learn more about this projectSCOTTY LOGAN LANE BRIDGE
DEMEX was engaged by the Gold Coast City Council to carry out the demolition and removal of the Scotty Logan Lane Bridge which crosses Tallebudgera Creek in Tallebudgera Queensland.
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